Let me begin

I never really knew how to start this blog. Ive written and re-written it and then just thought I'm going to have to just dive in.

Im lying in bed with my beautiful 7 month old daughter Alys sleeping soundly in her crib next to me. Motherhood did not come easily to me as Alys was born to us through surrogacy. We are truly lucky to have her.

So as you can imagine, some of my blogposts will be about our journey to becoming a family (one of which is actually sitting in my drafts right now) and also being a first time mum.  

I will also be blogging about my other loves. I live with my partner and his family on a beef farm in South Wales. I love to bake (when I have time) so hopefully I'll be sharing some of my bakes with you. I also love living on the farm and with summer just around the corner Im sure I'll have one or two stories to tell. I have 4 beautiful dogs and I also have my own chickens and ducks. One of my chickens became broody a few days go so hopefully in a few weeks I'll have some chicks too!

Anyway thats it for now. Keep your eyes peeled for my first blogpost.


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